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Plymouth Rugby Referees' Society Logo
Plymouth Rugby Referees' Society

PRRS Expenses Policy

Download the PRRS Expenses Form

Mileage Rate and Entitlement

Members are entitled to claim 40 pence per mile for mileage incurred whilst conducting duties on behalf of the Society.

The Mileage rate is set by the Plymouth & District Rugby Combination and is subject to periodic review.

Members (And Guests of the Society) should claim their travel expenses from the Society Treasurer.

Completion Of The Claim Form

All claims for games in Plymouth (Including Torpoint and Liskeard) must be submitted on the official claim form which can be downloaded from the Resources & Downloads page or on application from the Treasurer.

The exact mileage (To the nearest mile) must be declared and then converted into the amount claimed per game.

Please ensure that all the relevant information is properly recorded including dates, exact mileage and home team.

Claims will only be paid for the most direct route from home address to game venue and return.

Exchange Games

The Senior Referee (Highest Level) of an exchange group is normally expected to be responsible for coordinating travel arrangements.

When a party of referees is sent on exchange all must wherever practicable travel together.

Individuals wishing to travel on their own do so at their own expense unless there are exceptional circumstances, which must be agreed with the treasurer prior to travel.

All expense claims for other than mileage claims must also be entered on the claim form and must be accompanied by a receipt.

Public Transport

The Society proactively encourages members to seek alternative ‘Greener’ forms of transport wherever possible. If a member does travel by other modes of transport the PRRS will reimburse the price of the fare/ticket as long as there is a receipt to support that claim.

Submission of Claim Forms

Members can submit claim expenses either at the end of the season or make an interim claim at the December meeting. ALL claims must be submitted by the 31st May. In case of hardship, payments can be made outside of these dates on application to the treasurer with all such claims being dealt with on a totally confidential basis.

Expense claims not submitted by the 31st May will only be paid in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Treasurer.

Claims made on Line

If you would prefer to be paid expenses electronically by Bank Transfer please provide your Bank Details as below:

Account Name…………….

Account Number……………..

Sort Code …………………